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Blown Ulster
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Semi-Girling brakes and h...
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05-03-2025, 06:47 PM
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The end for Alderton Aust...
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05-03-2025, 04:32 PM
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Bracing Front Axle on Rub...
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05-03-2025, 01:41 AM
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04-03-2025, 10:31 PM
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RH Specialist Car Insurance |
Posted by: Nick Salmon - 07-06-2018, 09:43 AM - Forum: Forum chat...
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Recently I returned from touring in France, Belgium, and Holland in the MGA. On arrival back at Dover on the ferry, the battery was dead - not clever when you are right at the head of the two queues of vehicles! When finally I got a jump start the engine was running like a pig and eventually the car expired on the bridge out of the port, going up to the A2. I couldn't get going and with darkness falling, cold wind blowing, and rain coming down, I chickened out and called RH for recovery. Their agent was super-helpful and I was picked up within 45 minutes and transported back to Hertfordshire. I was phoned by an RH agent an hour or so after my intial call to check that I had indeed been picked up OK.
I marvel at the value we get from RH and whilst I know there were some issues for the last Eurotour etc, my latest experience was nothing but positive. Well done RH!
crankshaft front bearing type |
Posted by: steve davidson - 06-06-2018, 07:12 AM - Forum: Forum chat...
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Hi all,
One for the boffins maybe.
I’m wondering if anyone knows the technical reason why on the front of the 1”1/8” crankshaft there is one roller and one ball bearing? I’m not looking to do anything different just looking to understand what roll (pardon the pun) each different type of bearing is doing at this location. What would happen if you used two rollers or two balls?
Spin on oil filter |
Posted by: Erich - 06-06-2018, 05:21 AM - Forum: Forum chat...
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Hi All,
On my Ulster rep, the filter was installed sideways(?) from the head. Then it was installed(not by me) from the bolt holding the oil filler in. From there the lines went from the rear of the crankcase, through the filter, then to the front of the crankcase. Chris Gould's book on building replica Ulsters, suggests putting the spin on filter(a Morris Minor 1000 add on)on the engine side of the passenger footwell. I agree it gets the filter out of the way, but the flexible oil lines then have much further to go, from the NS to the OS of the crankcase for the out to the in on the filter, then to the intake on the front of the crankcase. Am I missing something or does this increase by a lot, the amount of flexible oil line required?
Erich in Seattle
oil lip seal CR 9934 |
Posted by: Dennis Nicholas - 06-06-2018, 12:19 AM - Forum: Forum chat...
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I have 2 new boxed oil lip seals labeled 9934 CR services (an SKF company). It is 1 X 1.624 X 0.25 inch (25.4mm X 41.25mm X6.35mm) I cant remember where I got them from or what they are for........however I suspect they may be for the back axle internal seals to replace the half shaft felt seals. Can anyone shed any light in this? I have finished doing an axle total refurbish and seem to remember the lip seals I used were a slightly different size (1938/39 heavy axle.) so what were these for??? maybe the earlier axle casing?
Storing engines |
Posted by: Mick Hanna - 05-06-2018, 04:19 PM - Forum: Forum chat...
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I have a spare engine that I've repaired and refurbished that will be stowed beneath the bench to keep it out of the way. It's unlikely to be used for a while (fingers crossed) and I am wondering if it should be filled with oil before it is hidden from sight. I intend turning it over by hand every now and then. Any advice?
Choice of Rear Axle |
Posted by: Jamie - 05-06-2018, 03:38 PM - Forum: Forum chat...
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Good afternoon.
I have recently purchased a Ruby chassis, running gear and matching V5. From memory, it is late model, a 1935 version, I think. As it has no body or engine, I plan to build a new shell to and find a suitable engine. I intend to keep the machine to use, not to sell on again, so wish to make it to my tastes. Although I could source and rebuild another A7 engine, I understand that with some minor modification, a Reliant engine can be fitted which I believe could prove cheaper than a decent rebuilt A7 engine.
Does this necessitate a change of the rear axle or does the gearing on Ruby axle suit it the Reliant engine?
Thank you.