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Differential oil seals |
Posted by: martyn harrold - 12-03-2019, 04:23 PM - Forum: Forum chat...
- Replies (6)
I am new to this forum and apologise if this question has been asked before. I am replacing the oil felts in the rear axle on my Mk 2 Ruby. I bought a pair of lip seals from the old Seven Workshop a while ago but I am finding it impossible to get them to go into the metal cups in the casing. I turned up a drift that fits the bore and is just smaller than the O.D. of the seal but to no avail. The new Seven Workshop are sending me some more as they have not heard of any problems with those they now sell.
I have owned my Seven since 1962 when I bought it from a scrap yard for £5 and then a little later I bought another for spares for £2 some of which I am still using for replacements, although I never got around to fitting the twin carb set up that I bought. I will be downsizing soon, is this the place to advertise my unwanted bits? Martyn
Gordon England Historians |
Posted by: Steve kay - 11-03-2019, 08:39 PM - Forum: Forum chat...
- Replies (15)
I am always impressed by the responses to Gordon England questions and comments, so I'll try a historical question. Dudley Beck entered what was described as a "Gordon England Super Sports" in the Hereford Speed Trials in May 1924. It was reported that he had bought it new in March of that year. A Miss Caswell is recorded as driving a "Brooklands" Austin Seven on the same event. Do any Gordon England historians know to whom cars were sold, or where I could look up such, admittedly somewhat arcane, info?
Problem reassembling gearbox |
Posted by: Simon Scott - 11-03-2019, 05:13 PM - Forum: Forum chat...
- Replies (5)
Putting my 3 synchro box back together having put new balls and springs in the synchro. Seems alright until I put the layshaft back in then it all locks up is this correct or have I done something daft?
Dynamo Field Resistor |
Posted by: David Stepney - 11-03-2019, 04:35 PM - Forum: Forum chat...
- Replies (25)
My RP saloon has a C35M Lucas dynamo fitted, but retains its cutout box designed for the earlier C35A instrument. As a result, I have no summer charge setting that works.
Being a complete electrical dunce when it comes to these things, I consulted my 1940 (eighth) edition of the 'Motor' Electrical Manual which appears to suggest that there should be a resistor between the D and F terminals on the dynamo which is shorted out by the lighting switch on the dashboard to give winter charging.
1. Am I right in this assumption?
2. If so, does anyone know how many ohms the resistor should be?
Given that the dynamo is currently (no pun intended!) on my bench awaiting its new brushes, I would quite like to put it back and get both settings working.
Also, I assume that, as presently set up, there is no field fuse in the circuit as the earlier instrument had the resistor and field fuse under a cover on top of the dynamo case. Where should the fuse go in the field circuit, please?
SU carb and vacuum wiper |
Posted by: garryruck - 11-03-2019, 11:43 AM - Forum: Forum chat...
- Replies (4)
I have an SU carb with a vacuum tube on the manifold for a vacuum wiper wiper. The car runs poorly/rough when the tube to the wiper is attached but OK when the tube is removed and left unblocked. Finger on the tube and the engine runs poorly. Any ideas?
Battery |
Posted by: AlfieM - 10-03-2019, 09:23 PM - Forum: Forum chat...
- Replies (17)
I need some advice on a 6v type 421 battery. I need to change mine currently it's a 58 AH I've noticed Alpha batteries is selling a 77 AH, are there any draw backs in fitting the higher AH?
My current battery bubbles on all cells with caps removed, car a meter showing no higher than 8 amps at engine speed equivalent of 30 mph. I am thinking this is because I have a 58 AH fitted ???
Any advice from a seasoned Austineer would be much appreciated.
Chummy sharter handle guides |
Posted by: Tony Betts - 10-03-2019, 02:15 PM - Forum: Forum chat...
- Replies (7)
Hi all,
Can anyone throw some light on this for me.
I've always seen several different starter handle guides out there for the austin 7.
Which ones fit which year.
I've tipped my box full out, and here are all the different ones.
All the top row are originals.
And the far left is what most people would expect.
Second from left is the same casting, but not machined for the peg to hold in a permanent shaft. There is a shoulder for a spring inside. So if you use a detachable shaft, do you use a spring on it?
Pic of these two below.
This were it gets weird for me.
The middle and second on the right. I first thought were cut down.
See pic below
But if you check the front view.
The middle guide IS CUT DOWN.
But the second from the right is CLEARLY CAST THAT WAY.
And is shorter than the middle one. What did it fit? And I take it the middle one has been cut to kind of copy it.
Front view pic.
Here is a picture of the one on the far right.
It's aluminium instead of iron.
Would this be the first fitted in 1922?
And if so how long was it fitted before they went onto the iron.
Woul apreciate some help on this one.
Thanks Tony.