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Obtaining Austin factory vehicle data |
Posted by: Ian M - 27-03-2019, 04:42 PM - Forum: Forum chat...
- Replies (3)
A long time ago, I heard that it was in some instances possible to obtain factory data for a particular Austin vehicle, based on such things as chassis or engine number. I have not previously given much thought to this idea, but as my poor old Ruby is currently experiencing something of an identity crisis following a DVLA inspection, I have become rather keen on the idea of tracing its history right back to the start.
Does anyone have practical experience of what is involved, how to initiate the process, and with whom? Also, what should my expectations be?
Many thanks.
Chassis number location Mid 1927? |
Posted by: Hedd_Jones - 27-03-2019, 03:19 PM - Forum: Forum chat...
- Replies (17)
I have a 1927 rolling chassis here on 'approval', I am looking to find and confirm the chassis number before I part with beer vouchers.
Because of very thick 2k paint, the chassis number is not clearly visible.
The online archive suggest two positions, both on the nearside rail. Either in front of the front engine mount. Or in front of the rear engine mount.
Being brutally honest there is no sign in either location. (No signs of a plate on the rear cross member either)
Id like to damage the paint in one location only since I have not paid for it yet. And indeed may not buy it.
Can anyone with a car with a mid 1927 car chassis number in the range of 39500 let me know where theirs is? So I can make an educated guess and hopefully find it first time!
Thanks in advance.
3 speed clutch pedal spring replacement |
Posted by: JonE - 27-03-2019, 09:41 AM - Forum: Forum chat...
- Replies (8)
Is there a cunning ruse to replace or remount without removing the engine?
I see it's a tight fit in there and I'm imagining that the casting locator has broken off. At present, I've just stuffed some rubber betwixt pedal and engine to stop pedal riding on the clutch apparatus inside.
Ammeter wiring |
Posted by: Peter Naulls - 26-03-2019, 11:14 PM - Forum: Forum chat...
- Replies (10)
Can anyone tell me which wires go to which terminal on an ammeter ('37 Ruby, positive earth). I took it out 6 month ago and have lost the notes I made!
I have:
white and black which I think is from the starter and must be -ve
thin red for the instrument lights which I assume to be -ve
also heavy black wire which I'm guessing is +ve and...
heavy purple and white wire, both of these last two disappear into the loom.
The wiring diagram shows one wire going to the centre terminal of the lighting /ign switch but on mine this is a blank terminal.
DVCA auction |
Posted by: David.H - 26-03-2019, 10:54 PM - Forum: Forum chat...
- Replies (2)
I see that all the Sevens appear to have sold at this auction on 21 March. The Fabric RK £7260, the '33 Saloon £6710 (same as a TVR 350!) and the Ruby £5720 all these needing some form of "re-commissioning" & the the '32 AG tourer made £11000.
It was either a small sale, or not many items sold from their "results" on their website
Want |
Posted by: Gasmeter - 26-03-2019, 09:55 PM - Forum: Wants
- Replies (3)
I have a 1935 Austin 7 and I need a replacement Starter Motor! Can anyone help or tell me were I can buy one?
Calling AC Chummies near Herefordshire! |
Posted by: Dave Prior - 26-03-2019, 07:59 PM - Forum: Forum chat...
- Replies (5)
We're hoping to find someone with an AC Chummy that we can take a look at as close to Herefordshire as possible. Specifically, we want to check the radius of the rear corners of the body to ensure our formers are correct. We already have some measurements and a curve we believe to be correct, but would like to confirm this before producing rear body hoops for the model.
Any suggestions would be appreciated!