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Specials and V5c Titles |
Posted by: Jamie - 30-03-2019, 11:18 AM - Forum: Forum chat...
- Replies (7)
Good morning.
I have just read a post on the Austin Seven Facebook page to the effect that under the new DVLA rules, you can build a special if the V5c says "tourer", but not if it says "saloon".
Can anyone clarify this at all? As the shell on my Ruby is so badly decayed, I plan to convert it to what is, in essence, a two seat Opal with a fold-down roof which is permanently attached to the car at the hinges. I shall be using as much of the original shell as I can salvage. The logbook currently says "saloon", but with no mention of the number of seats.
I suppose my question is what are Opals and the like called on their logbooks: tourers, saloons, or something else altogether?
charging question. |
Posted by: Ray White - 29-03-2019, 09:21 PM - Forum: Forum chat...
- Replies (35)
Please could someone give me an idea of why my dynamo/cut out is behaving differently to the way it has always done in the past... With the switch on full charge the engine is started but has to be revved quite hard before the ammeter flips over from discharge to charge and the light goes out. When the engine settles down to tick over the needle flips back to discharge and the light comes on as normal.
(The car is 1930 with 6 volts. The dynamo is a later Ruby type with a resistor added for Summer charge. The CF1 cut out has been professionally rebuilt a few years ago.)
Austin Seven Van |
Posted by: PedigreeChummy - 29-03-2019, 01:33 PM - Forum: Forum chat...
- Replies (35)
Hi all
Got a question for you all out there, the rationale for which is not financial, but originality and quirkiness, the latter traits being something that have always appealed to me...
To get to the point I recently purchased what was sold to me as an 1932 Tourer (I posted on here a few months back about my "numbers" concern...). I more recently found a source, which I hadn't previously discovered, where one can check original registration details according to reg number.
The threw up the rather surprising news that the Tourer I have was actually first registered as a van (AVG?) on 29/02/1932, which would tie in to the date on the logbook and the chassis number, the engine being a later replacement from 1932.
My quandry now is do I return the car to its former incarnation, if I can track down a repro van body from the era, or leave it as it is at present, ie. an AH Tourer with iffy numbers. I like the idea of originality, in identity at least considering the van shell would be a repro, and the quirkiness of having a van, but the car I have has been recently restored to a high standard with a newly painted Tourer body etc.
Is it worth it? I don't mind the work involved, but would, say, selling the restored body and associated interior and running gear cover the cost of sourcing the bits necessary to reconvert back to van form?
I'm going to drive and enjoy the car as is over the summer here, as should be the case, but I'm looking to next winter's project.
Thinking out loud a bit here, so all input welcome
Arnott Supercharger rebuild |
Posted by: dchw1975 - 28-03-2019, 10:20 PM - Forum: Forum chat...
- Replies (8)
For a bit of fun I bought a disassembled Arnott supercharger that I want to rebuild back to running condition of suitable size for an A7. Does anyone have and diagrams or pictures of the innards of an operation one that I can use for reference please?
Posted by: Rpm - 28-03-2019, 09:54 PM - Forum: Forum chat...
- Replies (5)
Hi Guys . My steering column spline has been extended,the longer spline welded to original spline. My question is ,if I cut off the extended part , do you think iI will be able to recover the original . Some of the original spline is showing. Any thoughts or views appreciated.
Regards Rob RPM
Late Chummy/RK Bonnet Wanted |
Posted by: Belinni - 28-03-2019, 01:18 PM - Forum: Wants
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Looking for a late Chummy / RK bonnet (Side panel size roughly 12.5" x 18"), if anyone has one for sale, please PM me.
Bob Wyatt |
Posted by: Chris Garner - 28-03-2019, 12:35 PM - Forum: Forum chat...
- Replies (21)
I have just received the very sad news that Bob Wyatt, President of the A7CA and lifelong Austin author and enthusiast, died yesterday.
Chris Garner
Chairman - A7CA