24-06-2020, 09:50 AM
In the late '60s we were touring in the Loch Urr area of Scotland in our MGB. Leaving the car, with hood down in a car park, we set off into the hills only for it to suddenly start raining. We could see the car far below and the time we reached it the interior was swimming in water. Hood up, heater on, it was like being in a sauna. Fortunately it had rubber mats.
Another occasion was in the blistering summer of '76 when I was running an open E-type. For weeks I parked it outside, never raised the hood. One night the inevitable happened, the weather broke and by morning the car's interior was a soggy mess. Try drying out Wilton carpet - it took a long time!
Another occasion was in the blistering summer of '76 when I was running an open E-type. For weeks I parked it outside, never raised the hood. One night the inevitable happened, the weather broke and by morning the car's interior was a soggy mess. Try drying out Wilton carpet - it took a long time!