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Car type: '28 GE Cup. '28 AD Chummy '30 RL Saloon. '34 RP Saloon. Too Many toys!
Either you file the starting handle hole in the cowl.
Or raise it up. But raising it up buggers up the bonnet fit.
Or un rubber mount it.
You must also have a forward facing starter unrubber mounted crankcase.
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ok, so continuing an old thread. If my standard front N/S bolt has fallen out (as I loosened it and put a small spring under it), what is best course of action on 29 non-rubber chassis? My rear locations seem to have nuts with spilt pins so must be studs. Shall I swap a stud to front location? What is best option for a permanent damped fit, assuming if there is looseness, then the bolt is going to come out again!
I could also just do the bolt up.
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Car type: '28 GE Cup. '28 AD Chummy '30 RL Saloon. '34 RP Saloon. Too Many toys!
nylock nut, superglue, loctite. Castellated nut and pin. Two nuts. Locnut. Any number of methods.
Joined: Jan 2019 Posts: 1,575 Threads: 21
Location: Bala North Wales
Car type: 1933 RP Standard Saloon
I have had my engine out on my early RP (no rubber mountings) and bolted it down securely. I recall from my youth that, if the mounting bolts were loose, then the engine growled.
There is another point too. A rigidly mounted crankcase stiffens the front end of the car. Bugatti used to rely on the crankcase for this as the theory was that, provided the chassis was rigid from the front axle to the steering box, one could safely let the rear flex as much as it liked. The car would still handle. In fact, the Type 35 chassis probably did more of the rear suspension work than the springs and they handled really well!
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thanks both.
Hedd - is David's reasoning broadly why you (and Austin!) advocate full bolt down?
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Car type: '28 GE Cup. '28 AD Chummy '30 RL Saloon. '34 RP Saloon. Too Many toys!
because I cant think of 1 good reason not to. Including all those noted on this thread.
Joined: Jan 2019 Posts: 1,575 Threads: 21
Location: Bala North Wales
Car type: 1933 RP Standard Saloon
As a corollary to my post of the 21st, having used my RP over the last couple of days, bolting the engine down tight does increase the likelihood of leaks from the block to crankcase gasket. The crankcase flexes slightly whilst the block doesn't.
Is it to preserve the integrity of that joint that some people advocate leaving bolts loose/ putting springs under them etc.?
I have a leak from the crankcase to block gasket at the offside front and nearside rear, but they are not bad and I appear to still be doing what Pa Austin reckoned the oil consumption should be, which, if memory serves me aright is 1,500 mpg (of oil).