29-03-2021, 10:40 AM
Does any else get erratic readings from their Boyce gauge.
On my RN the readings were all over the show despite me having done the thermostat mod suggested on this site.
To cure the apparent problem I've extended the probe with a short piece of 10mm copper tubing as I suspected that the probe wasn't actually in the coolant once the system got going. The logic of the copper is that it has good heat transfer properties and 'voila' I now get a steady reading in keeping with the cars usage and the thermostat is doing a grand job of a quick warm up and consistent temperatures.
Boosted by this flush of success I went a stage farther and made up a vented coolant container out of sight behind the front number plate into which the overflow pipe goes, a la modern cars, meaning that the coolant level will pretty much look after itself now and stay topped up.
I really must have a lie down now, the excitement is getting too much.
On my RN the readings were all over the show despite me having done the thermostat mod suggested on this site.
To cure the apparent problem I've extended the probe with a short piece of 10mm copper tubing as I suspected that the probe wasn't actually in the coolant once the system got going. The logic of the copper is that it has good heat transfer properties and 'voila' I now get a steady reading in keeping with the cars usage and the thermostat is doing a grand job of a quick warm up and consistent temperatures.
Boosted by this flush of success I went a stage farther and made up a vented coolant container out of sight behind the front number plate into which the overflow pipe goes, a la modern cars, meaning that the coolant level will pretty much look after itself now and stay topped up.
I really must have a lie down now, the excitement is getting too much.
Buy an Austin 7 they said, It's easy to work on they said !