Lucas DFL Dynamo - Printable Version

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Lucas DFL Dynamo - akharding - 03-03-2021

I have a Lucas DFL dynamo on my mag engined Chummy. The dynamo was rebuilt a few years ago and has not done a lot of hours since.
It regularly fails to charge but usually responds to having the commutator cleaned with switch cleaner - but only for a while. Before I do this the commutator has a black oily appearance.  Is this likely to be due to oil getting in at the drive end, over lubrication dating from the rebuild, or carbon coming from the brushes, -or something else?

 I am running it in 2 brush form with a solid state regulator, not that that would make any difference I guess.


RE: Lucas DFL Dynamo - Jeff Blight - 04-03-2021

Mine does the same I have come to the conclusion that it’s oil on brushes and com a quick blast of brake cleaner and it will charge for a while have lived with it for years as don’t use much in the dark

RE: Lucas DFL Dynamo - Lance Sheldrick - 04-03-2021

I also had this problem. I fitted a new felt seal and problem was solved.