Joined: Aug 2017 Posts: 3,329 Threads: 372
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I've got a Box saloon rad and everyone seems to be shortening and adapting these to fit a medium Sports cowl. But IF originality not an issue, what other options are there... without unnecessarily destroying a box rad?
Mini and Maxi rads have been mentioned as being used in the past.
Aluminium 2 row Min rads are a sniff over 50 quid. Would the volume cope, or thermosiphon work? Be interested to know what others have found/tried/discarded as bad ideas.
Joined: May 2018 Posts: 2,141 Threads: 111
Location: Llandrindod Wells
Car type: 29 Special, 30 RK, 28 C Cab
Hi Jon
I guess it depends on how you are going to hook up the radiator to the engine! If it’s a standard engine then the inlet outlet hose positions are pretty much fixed. If you have a box rad it’s a pretty easy alteration to change the core and not too expensive. It can always be re cored for a box cowl at a later date.
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Reliant Regal would be out on rarity these days, as per maxi - as you would end up having to recondition it too?
Howard - can one get away without altering the top tank outlet position though? I thought that needed to be centred.
Joined: May 2018 Posts: 2,141 Threads: 111
Location: Llandrindod Wells
Car type: 29 Special, 30 RK, 28 C Cab
Hi Jon
Ohhh not sure Jon. May be someone more knowledgeable can answer?
Joined: Aug 2017 Posts: 949 Threads: 22
Location: Near Cambridge, UK
Car type: 1928 tourer (mag type), short chassis Gould Ulster
Ruby radiators come up occasionally, and I think Rod Yates keeps a suitable tube for soldering to the header tank. You also have to solder a plate over the original filler position. The big advantage is that you know you are using a radiator designed for thermo-syphon circulation.
Joined: Aug 2017 Posts: 644 Threads: 29
I fitted a radiator which turned out to be from a Wolseley 18/85 (Land Crab) to a special of mine.Only had a 6" between the top of the head and top of the radiator which worked fine.I did pressurise the system however.
The only time it boiled was when we supercharged it and the fan blades had come off.
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Location: West/North Devon England
I have A30 or A35 in my Nippy shell mounted in/on a frame (same size/shape shell as an Ulster).