I’m glad, at this time of year, you antipodeans post glorious photos of gatherings in the sunshine. It serves to remind us northern hemisphere dwellers that our summer is on its way (although whether the sunshine will be as bright and the ‘backyards’ so huge I’m not sure).
Thanks, Howard. I couldn't resist posting some sunny pics to contrast with the snowy scenes appearing in this thread. Your day in the sun will come. One thing that is certain about weather is that it will improve (eventually).
The nastiest job I have done for a long time - perhaps the worst ever on an Austin 7. I am no dab hand with trim, as this clumsy effort shows. It has taken me getting on for two days and I am now crook having been doubled up in the back of the car all day today with a roll of double sided tape. I reallly am hoping that the worst bits will be concealed by seats and side panels. The rest? Well I shall just have to live with it...
just came back from our local common, moorland here in south wales. there have been red kites here for at least 10 years and we see them quite often but over the last week or so we have found a place where they are gathering in big numbers , we have seen up to twenty of these flying whilst parked up in our cabriolet , no one is feeding these birds and we have seen one land about 15 metres from the car and spent 10 mins on the ground just picking away at the worms where the ground has turned to mud where the mountain ponies drink. When I was a boy the common here in the spring and summer was alive with lapwing curlew and snipe , alas no more !, you do still sometimes hear a curlew call but never again will I see the great flocks of lapwing fly, but it is great to see the red kites thrive again best regards Rob
I cannot get an A7 into the pic - but here is a Red Kite I photographed here in Hertfordshire a couple of weeks ago. In summer it is not unusual to have a dozen or more wheeling in the thermals - and being mobbed by the rooks and jackdaws.
" Having a Break" Anti Freeze? As a youth, the garage toilets where I worked were in an unheated shed. On nights when sharp frosts were forcast, we wee told to "pee in the pan", but not to flush until the next morning!
Today we have been fighting the congestion on our local roads. The farmer stopped us and called out 'I had one of those 70 years ago, but it were brown'. He did look a good 80 years old, but 90, well perhaps.
Some of the roads were less than perfect and we finished the trip about a mile from home on a very steep section of single track road, just before a bend, coming to a sudden halt. We were out of fuel. A top up from the can and priming of the carb as she didn't seem keen on pulling the fuel through from an uphill position and we were off again. sheep 3 lr.jpg (Size: 529.81 KB / Downloads: 206)