Joined: Aug 2017 Posts: 255 Threads: 31
Location: Fife
In a few weeks the Scottish Austin Seven Club along with the Monklands Sporting Car Club are having a prodiction car trial, i have entered, and the only car i have that is in a near roadworthy / driving state is my Mk1 Pearl.
From experience of these trials before, which i done in a Ford Ka, they are very tame compared with the traditional trials, so i think the Pearl will be ok, however a search online, Facebook etc throws up little or no images of Ruby's trialing, clearly they are heaver than their older counterparts for one, but surley its been done before plenty of times.
Joined: Nov 2022 Posts: 109 Threads: 13
Location: Norfolk
Car type: ARQ Ruby
Did the 1996 Chobham Trial in my ARQ Ruby BXE 95,
First time I ever did a trial, and won !!!! got the plaque, but never did see the cup. oh well.
Joined: Aug 2017 Posts: 933 Threads: 18
Location: North Yorkshire
The Works competition department had a supercharged Ruby but I think it was only used for rallies. There is a super publicity film of the new Austin 8 tackling Lakeland passes which should give you some hope. Might be worthwhile fitting that pair of Nobby spring helpers that you are bound to have on your shelf?
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I remember Andy Hastings trialling his Ruby years ago. It wasn’t terribly successful but looked a lot of fun.
Alan Fairless
Joined: Aug 2017 Posts: 1,656 Threads: 93
Location: Monmouthshire
Fit the Nobby springs and tell the scrutes that the suitcase on the luggage rack contains the sandwiches that you will be taking to Aunt Muriel in South Morningside after the trial. As aunt Muriel traditionally greets you “ you’ll have had your sash weights, then.”
Joined: Jan 2022 Posts: 78 Threads: 20
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Plenty of rubys out trialing, even more ruby based specials including ours. A set of Mitas K70 copies on the rear will help as most road tires offer little grip in the mud.