Next I’ll start the hunt for 6 volt LEDs, I have the old Seven Workshop Honda conversion reflectors, so I better whip the bulbs out and have a look.
Yes, indeed - these drifts are always entertaining. Perhaps we ought to take the lid off and start a section along the lines of 'what roughly analogous A7-related Stuff I thought about today'. Could be a winner.
Joined: Aug 2017 Posts: 386 Threads: 16
8 Location: Port Elizabeth, Sunny South Africa
Car type: '26 Chummy, '28 Top Hat, '33 Type "65", single seaters
We have the projector dipping LED headlights which work far better than any lights I've had in any of my 7 Austin Sevens since the 60's
There were two problems fitting them to the R47 on the fabric saloon:
Firstly they need 2 contact bulb holders in place of the singles.
Secondly they produce no heat. This means that in falling snow the lights can get completely obscured by falling snow. We haven't yet driven in falling snow with the new projector bulbs which may well be better. With the previous single pole LEDs no light at all escaped from the lamp. The bezel round the glass casuses snow to be retained so we could neither see nor be seen.
Introducing son and grandsons to the new van and they could resist sitting in the RK. The little one was fascinated by the horn…hence his brother holding his ears .