Nick, I'm ready to be corrected on any of the following points, but this is my understanding based on a fair bit of reading.
1. You are correct, an A7 doesn't (cannot) qualify for a Crit'Air sticker (there's an online application tool which simply laughs at you)
2. I suspect the list of cities affected may not be quite as extensive as suggested in the article, as many of the zones only apply to commercial vehicles. You'll have to check zone by zone.
3. I think I'm right in saying Historic Vehicles (i.e. indicated as such on their registration docs) are exempted, and therefore should not receive a penalty...
4. ...and that the exemption is extended to visiting historic vehicles from other
EU nations. EU is in bold for a reason, because we are not in it. As far as I know the rules have not been clarified nor put to the test since Brexit, so you take your chances. As long as it's enforced by policemen I expect one might get away with a bit of bluster, but camera systems are cold and unforgiving.
5. The seasonal temporary zones are exactly that and can be imposed at the drop of a hat, potentially preventing your return to the channel ports. I guess you take a chance, wait, or get your car transported home... it's bloody ridiculous.
I tried making deeper enquiries and was told by the authority that I would have to apply in writing to the town hall in each city I intended visiting...I''m afraid we are slipping back to the dark ages when each bridge will be guarded by a guy with a pike demanding a groat.
I'm heading off to the continent myself in a fortnight and for me the approach has been to plan a route avoiding population centres as far as humanly possible; but I imagine that's not much consolation if your heart is set on seeing Montmartre.
Just a reminder that the topic was previously aired here:
- though doubtless things will have moved on a little in 3 years.