The Web site has been updated today with a couple of new Parts lists:
A third edition of the Parts list - 353b of mid-1923 -
plus an interesting Post-war Big Seven parts list numbered 189 from 1946 -
Handbooks and Parts Lists are becoming increasingly hard to come by. I ran a check last week and it became apparent that we already hold many of the available issues. Where we are particularly lacking is some of the more esoteric versions for Military models and the like. If anyone has any of those that they would be willing to donate, they would be very welcome...
In the next few days/week, we should be in a position to make a major release of 'ephemera'. Brochures etc that are directly related to the 7 but are either not Austin publications or do not (for various reasons) have a typical Austin publication number.
A third edition of the Parts list - 353b of mid-1923 -
plus an interesting Post-war Big Seven parts list numbered 189 from 1946 -
Handbooks and Parts Lists are becoming increasingly hard to come by. I ran a check last week and it became apparent that we already hold many of the available issues. Where we are particularly lacking is some of the more esoteric versions for Military models and the like. If anyone has any of those that they would be willing to donate, they would be very welcome...
In the next few days/week, we should be in a position to make a major release of 'ephemera'. Brochures etc that are directly related to the 7 but are either not Austin publications or do not (for various reasons) have a typical Austin publication number.