Joined: Jan 2022 Posts: 78 Threads: 20
Location: cambridge
Car type: A7 special 34
We are newish to the world of A7s but having built a trials special over lock down and undertaken a few trials in recent months including the excellent Dave Wilcox event over christmas we have become quite keen. We are a husband and wife team and share the garage duties mostly on our regular Thursday evening date nights. Our special seems to be a good strong build with plenty of ground clearance but our almost standard engine is leaving us a bit short in the power dept. I would be interested as we have just started to build a new engine what the best mods are for trials? So far we have procured a pheonix crank and the main castings crankcase and block. We also have the pheonix crank and the rods soon to arrive. So far we have bored the block out in our little workshop using the milling machine to about 57mm and reshaped/ported the inlets to the 1"sq. I have plans to regrind the valve seats and reprofile the valves a bit 45deg and 30deg as per standard practice. Now thinking and interested in cam, carb, flywheel,clutch and head choice. Engine is a 34 Mk1 ruby engine.
Joined: Aug 2018 Posts: 281 Threads: 38
Welcome aboard., are you in the Cambridge club, joined last year, but my Ruby was out of commision. Should be back on the road very soon, so I can get to local events.
Are you a 'flyer' , I've a very very lapsed PPL, and a kitplane in bits !!!!
Joined: May 2018 Posts: 2,154 Threads: 112
Location: Llandrindod Wells
Car type: 29 Special, 30 RK, 28 C Cab
Hi Frequentflyer
I’m no expert in engine tuning nor on trials but as no one has responded here are my suggestions
Head….Dave Dye sells alloy Ricardo heads which seem to have a good reputation. I have one on my Special and it goes well.
Carb…..SU is the route to go IMHO. You probably don’t need more than an 1 1/8” although on my Special a 1 1/4” H2 seems to work well.
Flywheel…There is a good section in the A7 companion on flywheel lightening. I’ve gone half way on the suggestions.
Clutch…Stiffer springs may help but I’ve got standard ones on my Special.
Cam……I’m using a standard cam but Paul Bonewell is the man to talk to if you want good advice.
Hope that helps?
Joined: Aug 2017 Posts: 645 Threads: 29
11-02-2022, 01:48 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-02-2022, 01:54 PM by Austin in the Shed.
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Some use a reprofiled cam,I had good results using a std cam and re radiused followers.Aim for good bottom end torque,no good revving to 6-7k if it does'nt pull till 2k+.
Four speed box preferable,3speed too high in 1st unless a low back axle.Or a lot of power.
Preparation is better than breaking down and trying to fix at the side of the road.Many often used to drag their cars out the night before and expect no problems.