Joined: Aug 2017 Posts: 790 Threads: 33
Location: Beautiful Northumberland
Car type: 1933 RP Saloon (aka Mildred)
According to the roof of my car bird poo will take off any paint it touches, so just find yourself a tree and a couple of pigeons and you are away.
Enjoy yourself, it's later than you think!
Joined: Aug 2017 Posts: 1,218 Threads: 71
Thank you all, some good suggestions there which I will follow up on...
Joined: Aug 2017 Posts: 482 Threads: 63
Location: West/North Devon England
Brake fluid......available free at your local small garage from their used bin........but not the silicone fluid!!!!
Joined: Aug 2017 Posts: 204 Threads: 0
Location: Far West of New Zealand
My ST38 (and the additional E04A-13407 stop/tail lamp) looked like they had been smeared with semi fluid black enamel by a ham fisted gorilla using a crayfish tail in lieu of a brush. Multiple coats too. Whatever the product was (Hammerite smooth?), it just shrugged off the usual paint removal suspects so I asked my friendly local engine reconditioning shop if I could put in their hot tank (the one the engine blocks go in before they're worked on) overnight. 99.9% removed and what was left in the awkward spots came off easily with a soft brass wire brush.
Joined: Aug 2017 Posts: 1,218 Threads: 71
It is interesting. I opted for some 'Starchem Synstrp' which got the most votes - publically and privately - which contains Parazine's recommended constituent. One of the ST38s came up as clean as a whistle but the other, which looked as if it was totally original though a little scabby, has resisted any efforts to strip it. I wonder whether it had been stove enamelled and that made the difference?
Joined: Sep 2018 Posts: 255 Threads: 67
Nitromores ok for small parts like your rear lamps, apply stripper wrap in a plastic bag ,so stuff doesn't dry out,
remove paint with wire wool the next day.
It was good stuff once.
Good Luck.
Joined: Aug 2017 Posts: 1,218 Threads: 71
Sadly, in my experience, Nitromors is not the product it used once to be.. :o(