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Trying to think of the easiest, safest method of soaking a 19" wheel in mild de-rust solution prior to assessing everything. Low tubtrug possible, but has anyone gone through this thought process before? I don't want to do the plastic sack thing again as it gets messy when disassembling. And obviously, cheaper the better.
I've already found that the top of the compost bin isn't quite large enough without cutting its rim off...
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Hi Jon
I bought a big black plastic tub from the farm supply shop. Apparently it’s supposed to be for feeding horses. I also bought the molasses I use to de rust at the same place.
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Why not knock up a wooden box either to take the wheel flat or on edge and line it with polythene or the plastic sack..?
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Nicks techniqe is method I use for testing radiators. Sadly my Seven one acts like a giant Alchecelsor tablet under the slightest pressure. A lot of seam to resolder!
I dont know at what degree of acidity hydrogen embrittlement of spokes becomes a problem.Chromed spokes must expereince.
And severe sand blasting can loosen spokes.
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ok, well to save 12 quid posted on ebay (for something that isn't going to leak), I made up a heavy duty doubled polythene crib and stapled it (above the water line!), so it was tight to the rim shape. I then used one black plastic sack inside and filled it up, putting it hub nubble down and into a bit of flat polystyrene with a space for the hub. It leaked. I'm now on THREE bin liners but at least it's started it off....
I like Nick's idea of having something on edge, as the sediment will fall better, away from the surfaces. But somehow it feels more dangerous putting all the water up higher, even though it shouldn't make the slightest bit of difference if there is a leak.
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23-12-2021, 08:24 PM
(This post was last modified: 23-12-2021, 08:25 PM by Reckless Rat.)
Will it not go in the dishwasher? They are normally about 24" wide internally.
Send her to Asda for the last minute shop and you'll have enough time...
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HI Reckless,
You guys do like to live dangerously.
Have a great xmas