Joined: Nov 2020 Posts: 6 Threads: 4
Location: UK Wiltshire
Car type: 1934 Box
I have got terrible wear on the outside edges of my front tyres. Nicholson's book says that this is regular and suggests that the wheels should be exchanged with the rear wheels but the wear I have got is too much, especially on the offside wheel. Already adjusted the track using a bamboo stick but what ideally should be the toe in.
Joined: Jan 2019 Posts: 1,576 Threads: 21
Location: Bala North Wales
Car type: 1933 RP Standard Saloon
The toe adjustment on a box saloon is pretty crude. The recommended way is to slacken the clamping bolt on the nearside track rod end, remove the nearside steering arm from the stub axle and turn the track rod end and steering arm assembly through one complete revolution and then refit. Screwing the track rod end in increases toe out and screwing it out increases toe in. Anywhere between parallel and 1/8th inch toe in should be ok. Sevens have quite a lot of positive camber on the front axle and, on modern, less cambered roads, this tends to wear the out edge of the tyre also.
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Location: Sherwood Forest
Car type: 1938 Talbot Ten Airline
If you are getting greater wear on one side, this suggests either a worn kingpin or bent front axle.
Joined: Aug 2017 Posts: 1,230 Threads: 33
Location: Salop
Car type: '28 GE Cup. '28 AD Chummy '30 RL Saloon. '34 RP Saloon. Too Many toys!
Just doing the same on the RP here. Same problem. It wears the tyres tapered.
I found the track rod was adjusted all the way in, right to the end of adjustment. I know for a fact father just swapped the trackrod straight off one axle onto another without any adjustment,so my assumption is its incorrect. The car very occasionally gets a wobble on the front end when going very slow also. Another sign something isnt right.
I have loosened everything off, done some engineering to get another 1/4inch of adjustment in. And refitted. I have also replaced the tyres.
Next job is to set the toe in. Ill clamp a couple of bits of wood on the outside of the tyres and take it from there. Im not taking the axle off to do it off the car
Joined: Aug 2017 Posts: 202 Threads: 11
I second Gunsons Trakrite, simple to use and you know it is right!
Joined: Aug 2017 Posts: 1,556 Threads: 61
I'd use one if I had one, but clearly never had the right neighbours