Joined: Mar 2015 Posts: 5,506 Threads: 231
Location: Scotchland
I was at that rally too Rob, aged 5.
We have the booklet here and some of the entry forms, including the sporting event scores. If yours is amongst them I will post up.
The BA7C took some cine film of the event, which was converted to DVD some years back, the highlight is Ray Stevens in his Nippy/Chummy. He appears from the left at lightening speed, enters the driving test garage and rams the car into reverse before it has even begun to come to a halt. The axle tramp is extraordinary.
Ray (and Phyllis) then went on to complete a tour of Scotland and back home to Wiltshire in the car breaking only 6 crankshafts, quite a low number for him at that time.
Joined: Jan 2019 Posts: 127 Threads: 8
Do you think the Citroen 2cv people chat about Austin 7's when they feel like a change? I certainly miss the Ami estate or "brake" I think they were called, which we had about fifteen years ago. It was one of the most useful cars I've had, especially with the rear seat removed.
Joined: Mar 2015 Posts: 5,506 Threads: 231
Location: Scotchland
That brings back a lot of memories Steve - particularly the seat upholstery design, our red one was the same!
I had a full size Canadian canoe stuck in through the roof once, looked a bit as though the poor car had been impaled from above!
Joined: Aug 2017 Posts: 937 Threads: 75
Location: Essex
Robert, you so skillfully almost got this thread back on track... darn those 2CV boys drifting back across the forum!
Anyway, must dash... I'm off to scour the small ads for a 2CV.
Joined: Feb 2018 Posts: 131 Threads: 13
I did take part in some tests in as I remember a very rough field outside fort William but if I am mentioned in any results I think it would be last place, I was trying so hard that I managed to engage two gears at the same time jamming up the box, and what I remember the most about that was the feeling of panic inside and being so far from home and a car that would not go, It would be great to see any video or record of the event if its available anywhere, we have photos of our car and our kids in Edinburgh outside the RAC headquarters building showing the rear of our car with all our kit tied to the spare wheel . my method of mending the box was to sit in the car dip the clutch and push and pull the gear lever until something moved and it did disengage luck was on my side.I know your Mam and Dad were there I knew him well in the old days he was always very good to me and helped me out on several occasions and remember going to your home was it an area called I think Frampton cotteral not to sure about the spelling , also I remember there were quite a few Bristol club members there I may well have photos of their cars somewhere I will look and see what there is regards Rob.
Joined: Aug 2017 Posts: 1,371 Threads: 249
Location: North Herts
"What's this?! We'll have no trouble here. This is a 2CV forum for 2CV people. Not for fancy Austin Seven types with their evil sidevalve ways. Tubbs, open your blouse and see them off!"
Joined: Feb 2018 Posts: 131 Threads: 13
nick its like trying to stop a train with a feather,and I do have admit 2cv have the look and I think if one had come my way I would have been tempted but having just seen the photos of that rusty chassis the gods must have looked on me kindly and guided me away from temptation, but where there is a ying there is a yang and the sods led me to many many others and todays count is fourteen all sorts of makes all sorts of sizes and I try my best to keep them all roadworthy so I am just as Bonkers as the rest of us.regards Rob.
Joined: Aug 2017 Posts: 2,447 Threads: 33
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Car type: 1933 RP Standard Saloon
09-03-2021, 04:46 PM
(This post was last modified: 09-03-2021, 05:02 PM by Reckless Rat.)
Up to 10 years ago I had two Acadianes, which are basically 2CV "AK"van backs with the later Dyane front end. Hence the name AK-Dyane...
Same chassis & running gear and gloriously underwhelming in everything they do and the only 2CV with wind up windows! However, because they were later models and didn't qualify for "classic" registration, the vagaries of getting them through the strict Contrôle Technique was getting harder, and made more difficult by the retirement of my very sympathetic tester. The second one just became the parts donor. I finally gave up and sold them, exchanging them for a very battered but light years ahead C15 van, which was their successor. That was in 2012. Since then the C15 has earned its corn as a van should, fetching and carrying building materials (and probably far more than it ought) and for its efforts was rewarded with a front to back mechanical make-over to get it through last year's CT. It will probably outlive me. The remains of another donor van provided me with an attic full of spares and the half a van trailer.
While there are still many C15s in this area, popular with builders and hunters, they are starting to die out and being replaced with Berlingos and Kangoos, or a crew-cab 4x4 pickup if you're an ardent hunter. Mine has a few years to go yet before it can have classic status, as it was built in 1995 so it will have to wait until 2025 but I'm sure it will still be going strong then.
Here, 2CVs have become so rare & so expensive they are only now in the hands of collectors and enthusiasts. There are few still used as daily drivers, but not many.
Oh and I forgot. I have an Austin Seven too, and I use it!