Joined: Aug 2017 Posts: 316 Threads: 9
Location: TINOPAI NZ
Honda Pistons sizes that will fit the austin 7 are from commercial type Engine (ie) Mowers pumps . so you need to look in small engine shops not bike shops
They are not from bike engines .
At the Moment I am using 57mm KAWASAKI ZXR 400 Pistons and the small end bush enlarged to 15mm Hadley Rods
Joined: Aug 2017 Posts: 386 Threads: 16
Location: Port Elizabeth, Sunny South Africa
Car type: '26 Chummy, '28 Top Hat, '33 Type "65", single seaters
The Honda pistons in our supercharged special are 57.7mm with 13mm gudgeon pins. I was told they were from an upright hand held / hand guided tilling or furrow making machine.
Unfortunately they are shorter than Austin pistons so don't actually reach the top of the bore - I understand that they work best when paired with Renault rods on a 1 1/2 crank as the Renault rods are longer than the Austin rods ??
As I have a new Phoenix 1 5/16 splash fed crank with double oiler conversion, I opted for a set of Mr Bett's new 57.75mm pistons and am very happy with the quality of Tony's latest offering (shameless plug & a big thank you Tony for producing these).
Joined: Aug 2017 Posts: 62 Threads: 4
Just found the piece of paper with the piston details from a very quick engine I built in 1998.
Honda generator model GX 110.
Standard piston 57mm part no. 13101-ZEO-010, plus Ring-set 13010-ZEO-013.
Oversize piston 57.75mm 13104-ZEO-010, '' '' 13013-ZEO-013.
Gudgeon Pin 13111-ZEO-000. Circlip 90551-ZEO-000
It was a l;ong time ago, but who knows they may still be available.
They were obtained for me by the friendly owner of a local plant hire company. He said his supplier was curios as to why he needed four pistons for a single cilinder generator!
Joined: Aug 2017 Posts: 226 Threads: 9
Location: Edinburgh/Lothians
Car type: Seven Special
Honda CB550 pistons can be used in bored out blocks. Redily available in std and + sizes along with ring sets.
Did an engine a couple of years ago with these fitted to John Barlow rods.