Joined: Aug 2017 Posts: 532 Threads: 46
Location: Oakley, Hants, UK
Car type: 1929 AD Tourer, 1930 Rosengart LR2, Rosengart LR4 Van 1938 APE Tourer (Opal)
Well don’t think things will improve by getting your mag through the 750 Mc avenue, by the time I used to get mine the adverts in it where long gone and the next eurotour had a long waiting list. I wrote and explained that I get very little from being a member, not being near a Centre, non competitive and a magazine up to six weeks late. The answer I got was , oh ok. Not impressed.
I am always interested in any information about Rosengart details or current owners.
Joined: Dec 2017 Posts: 1,161 Threads: 69
Location: Nottinghamshire. Robin Hood County
Car type: Austin Ruby Mk1 1935
I am also a member of the PWA7C and have always received my monthly magazine however if I was regularly missed and failed to get my mag I think I Would would somewhat be annoyed after all if we had subscribed to a commercial company and did not get what we paid for I think we all would look at things differently. Is this a way to treat new members and keep them as members. I will add that the committee members who run things do it on a voluntary basis and most if not all do it to the best of there ability.
John Mason
Would you believe it "Her who must be obeyed" refers to my Ruby as the toy.
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And there was me thinking that a reduction of subs might occur. It appears from latest mag that PWA7C have been running at a 8.5k deficit for the last couple of years so 8 quid rise in subs for 2021 proposed at AGM.
I was presuming there would be economies of scale from the coming together of the memberships.
It takes it beyond my acceptable threshold for having a future second club membership... but also raises the question of whether clubs could have reduced "2nd claim" membership fee... where a Grey mag isn't required?
Joined: Aug 2017 Posts: 1,218 Threads: 71
Please be very careful about advocating a membership option where the Grey Mag is not required. Bear in mind that sales of the magazine is the only real income that the Association has to fund everything it does...
Joined: Aug 2017 Posts: 1,371 Threads: 249
Location: North Herts
I can confirm that after 1st April 2021 the 750MC will not be circulating the Grey Mag, so there will not be a duplication for those who choose to be members of both 750 and PWA7C.
Joined: Aug 2017 Posts: 1,218 Threads: 71
I appreciate JonE's point. I was just trying to make it clear that the Association has one income stream and that all Clubs should do their upmost to ensure that sales of the Grey Mag are encouraged for the benefit of all...
Joined: Aug 2017 Posts: 209 Threads: 1
05-12-2020, 02:27 PM
(This post was last modified: 05-12-2020, 02:29 PM by Ian Dunford.)
I’m very saddened and surprised to hear that one of the founder clubs of the A7CA is to cease distributing the Grey Magazine.
Is this because it is no longer really an Austin Seven Club at all,in the true sense of the meaning?