Joined: Aug 2017 Posts: 2 Threads: 1
I am renovating a 1938 Ruby and have made good progress on brakes, suspension, engine and am now attending to the bodywork.
However I am struggling with how to replace the rear fixed fabric panel of the roof.
Basically, how can I remove the wooden frame that is inset into the metal roof? I understand that the new fabric needs to be wrapped over the outer edge of the wooden frame before the metal frame and runners are fitted on top of it.
I have managed to remove the sliding roof section and the metal frame and runners but there is no obvious method of removing any of the wood frame.
Thanks in advance for any advice
Location: NW Kent
Joined: Aug 2018 Posts: 193 Threads: 6
Location: Dorset seaside
I think Martim Prior will give you the best advice on this.
Joined: Aug 2017 Posts: 66 Threads: 1
Location: Herefordshire
Hi Mick.
The frame you are referring to is supported by 4 metal strips that screw into the underside of both it and the internal roof framing of the car. They are on each side of the rectangular panel. In other words, the means for attachment should be found from within the body and not from outside. If there is already headlining on the inside of the roof it will likely need to be removed to reveal these strips.
The process of removing them is simple in theory however 80-year old screws can be pretty reluctant to come out, so proceed with caution. It will likely take time and liberal doses of cursing! This process is also a good test of the sturdiness of the surviving woodwork and will identify any areas of the frame that are worm-eating and/or rotted very quickly. Do not be surprised if the thing falls apart as soon as it is lifted free.
We (Martin Prior and son's Motor Works) can manufacture a replacement Ash sunroof frame for all Austin 7 saloon models should it be required, as well as the rest of the body and door framing inside the car.
I should note that the advice given above is based on the assumption that the framing is original. In many cases cars with sunroofs have gone through varying degrees of repair and....ahem...."improvement" over the years, often losing original fixtures and fittings in the process. If the strips I have described are not apparent then I'm afraid the answer may not be so obvious!
Joined: Aug 2017 Posts: 2 Threads: 1
Many thanks for the info.
Have just removed the headlining trim panel from above the windscreen and can now see the plate and screws. Tried two of them and they came out with only a little struggle. Fingers crossed for the rest!
Just need to remove the headlining and see the state of the rest of it. From above it all looks original.
The woodwork has looked ok up till now but I guess that when it has been extracted from the roof it may not look so pretty, so it is good to know that a replacement is available.
Thanks again
Location: NW Kent