Quite mild here so I have been pottering in the garage (which is nice and dry, heated and air conditioned when necessary). I have been fitting a set of 6v indicators to the RP, a kit I bought from Willie McKenzie, augmented by a 6v LED warning lamp courtesy of a very reasonable oriental gentleman on the Bay of E.
The rears are mounted on the outside of the luggage rack brackets, whilst the fronts have been mounted on the extremities of the front number plate, which has been reinforced by a length of 25mmx25mm angle across the back. This necessitated speaking to the mounting brackets with the dolly hammer to render them flat.
I spent ages today sorting out the wiring. By the way, if you're thinking of doing this yourself then make sure you have more than 10m of cable. Ask me why I know that!
The cabling to the rear follows the standard routing on the RP through the hole under the seat, along the inside of the o/s sill and then up the o/s A pillar. I have mounted the switch, warning light and flasher unit to the left of the Patent plate. I have long arms so it's not a problem and access is easy from the glove compartment.
Part way through the job I did a current test to make sure everything was wired and earthed up correctly and could I get anything to work? No. There was current, but not enough to light the bulbs. I thought at first I had probably done something wrong, but the same problem was evident at all four corners. I finally found out why... to simplify the testing I had by-passed the ignition circuit and I was using a jump lead connected to the starter to feed current to the four wires powering the indicators. It wasn't until I tried another jump lead that I discovered that the first one was duff!
Everything now fitted and working correctly. Not obtrusive but will help when battling with moderns in deepest Frogland. The 3/16ths pop rivets will get a dab of black paint when I get a round too-it.