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I heard on the grapevine that some Austin 7 clubs participate in reciprocal circulation of club mags (i.e. emailable pdf copy) to their members if they select to have them, which seems a jolly good idea.
A quick survey: I just wondered - does anyone take advantage of such a service, as I enquired with my club and it wasn't deemed an option or necessarily a good idea.
Any other views?
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It was once the case that the 'pick' of articles from different clubs got reproduced in the A7CA mag I think - I might be wrong. But my own recent experience is that there's a whole other A7 world outside the club that I belong to and no, I don't see their mags.
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31-12-2018, 12:56 PM
(This post was last modified: 31-12-2018, 12:57 PM by Hugh Barnes.)
Back in the day when I edited the Cambridge Club Magazine, there was an un-written reciprocal arrangement with all other Clubs to share magazines amongst their fellow Editors. I would take these copies, that came in the post back then, to Club nights where people could read them if they wished. Anyone had the right to reproduce an article as long as the source was acknowledged. The Editor of the A7CA Magazine does get most Club Magazines (but maybe not all?) and certainly some original articles are reproduced from time to time...
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Justin like Hugh, as Secretary of SWA7C, over the years I recieved news letters from A7OC, Cambridge, Bristol. Devon, Dorset and Hereford clubs. Originally as hard copy, then as emails. These were forwarded to club editor, and distributed at club nights. SWA7C then reciprocated by sending our newsletter to these clubs and the Association Editor. Over the years, the supply dwindled to A7OC, Cambridge and Devon. I personally think it is excellent to share newsletters. As our club Secretay and Editor changed at last AGM, I need to check what our current position is.
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The ScA7C magazine compiler’s (Neil Williams) email address is:
If you forward this to your editor, and he/she emails Neil, we will arrange for them to receive our Magazine each time it is published.
This applies to anyone else reading this who feels they should get our Magazine as well, email Neil and it will be attended to immediately.
Ruairidh Dunford
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I realise the past arrangements with EDITORS, but just wanted peoples' views on what is now an easily achievable action, for general club members (who happen to use email).
It being done by certain clubs (as a great new idea) put the onus on others to consider such things.
The downside I see is that eds and Association eds have less "new" material to consider for the home mag, but the upside is that if everyone does it the information is all current and people can browse quickly through looking for things which interest them.
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Hi Jon,
it’ll be me for sure but I am not at all clear what you are asking?
What do you want to happen please?
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I don't know if I can say it any clearer than I did in the first post!
Members - everyone - not just officers. It seems a good idea to me personally, but if no-one has picked up on it on here even to question further, then probably not worth whittering on about any further as its unlikely to go anywhere.
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You want to get copies of other magazines from Clubs you are not a member of, is that correct?
You now have a link to the ScA7C repository - fill your boots, we have always been very happy to share. We transferred a complete 40 year run of our Magazine to PDF, happy to look it out and send you them on DVD if that’s of interest.