Joined: Aug 2017 Posts: 1,808 Threads: 99
Hi all,
Thought I'd see if anyone wants to give there view on beaulieu 2018.
Perhaps you were selling, perhaps buying. Even a bit of both.
How did things go, and did you enjoy it or not? Would you even recomend it to others.
For us standing the stall as a trader, it ended up on par with last year. Helped by plenty of last minute pre-orders. And our latest venture of crown wheel and pinions being well received. Although there was also a lot that I thought had a good chance, didn't sell and came back home. Just goes to show you can never plan for an event.
As a buyer (bargain hunter). There were the usual mountains of interesting stuff to look at. And I even bought a few bits, not a lot. But they were important things I needed. Floor starter button, and I THINK i 1923 starting handle???
Also good to catch up with people who travel from all over the UK and worldwide.
Did anyone see the front end of what looked like a Second World War plain in green field?
The only real negatives for the weekend, are the usual beaulieu things. The bits they can't be bothered to sort properly, the queuing for 30 to 40 minutes at the end of sunday to get the van back to the stall. And of course the drive home, 2.45 hour on a normal day. 4 hours on a beaulieu Sunday.
How did it go for you? What exciting things did you get.
Joined: Aug 2017 Posts: 309 Threads: 56
Hello Tony. My son Chris and I had an excellent time. I had to break open the big piggy bank to settle your account but everything I had from you was very fairly priced - thank you.
Selling was odd, although I had a preponderance of A7 parts, that which I sold was non A7 - principally motor cycle, Ford, Morgan and Morris. However this year everyone came to collect their 'pre-orders'. Strangely some items failed to sell which I thought would be snapped up - Lucas Little Trafficators, column mounted dip switches and SM5 switch panels, looks like they are destined for ebay.
I didn't do a lot of buying but I was able to acquire headlamp glasses and headlamps for refurbishment as well as more Hornby Dublo 3 rail stuff.
One of the most pleasant features were the people - good conversation, advice and some good stories.
Regards from the creative county Staffordshire
Joined: May 2018 Posts: 331 Threads: 51
Location: East Sussex Coast
As a brand new Austineer and even old car owner I had never been to an Autojumble and did not know what to expect. I had been to Beaulieu many times as I am a forester now living in Sussex. I pre booked my ticket, was there early, 8 a.m., good move, car parked near entrance. Had a doze in the car, walked in through entrance at 9.15, Short wait, some poor lady was wheeled through on a stretcher, hope she is OK. Orderly opening. I was surprised at the number of stalls and exhibitors, the variety was immense. I had a pre prepared shopping list which was very helpful, and soon sorted out where my pre ordered stands were. Very friendly people everywhere, stallholders prepared to do deals although guys selling prepacked nuts and bolts and washers etc were complaining that they had to sell a lot of £1 bags to make a profit after paying £600 for a small stand.. Refreshments were easily available at typical event prices but hey ho, take your own or don't complain.
It was great to meet people that I had previously only had contact with online. So much help for a newbie like me. I came away contented and tired and was able to stay with my sister at nearby Ferndown, great to catch up.
Thanks to all.
Joined: Aug 2017 Posts: 3,425 Threads: 107
Location: Darkest Bedfordshire
Thanks for asking Tony. One of those rare jumbles where I came away with most of the things I was looking for, and at quite reasonable prices too. Struggled to get round even half of it though. I know what you mean about the drive there and back, trying to do it in one day on top of the jumble is a bit much I feel, will think about stopping over next time.
Joined: Aug 2017 Posts: 558 Threads: 89
Location: Deepest darkest Kent
I thoroughly enjoyed Beaulieu as ever. The weather was fantastic which always helps.
Being an amateur seller I covered my costs for the weekend, just.
But the buying surpasses the selling. I picked up a some very good items including a beautiful 0-6000 rev counter which was almost identical to the ex Canadian TT car.
Met some delightful people and cried with laughter in the pub on Saturday night.
Joined: Aug 2017 Posts: 558 Threads: 89
Location: Deepest darkest Kent
They certainly look shady to me. Nice Desmo spot light for restoration though.
Joined: Aug 2017 Posts: 249 Threads: 30
Location: Fife
Had a fantastic time, weather was great, good company and even managed to sell some tat to fund the weekend. Managed to get my replacement gearbox for the Pearl and clutch plates for the cup, thanks Tony and Jamie.
Grand total of 1040 miles covered from door to door!
Will be back next year!!
Joined: Aug 2017 Posts: 74 Threads: 10
A great afternoon for us also. managed to get the bits I had on my wish list and at good prices too. We ran out of time to get round all the stalls and should have taken a trolley!
Joined: Aug 2017 Posts: 10 Threads: 2
Hi all,
We had a nice weekend and my last remaining stock sold well but that was because the low prices. What made the weekend was a box full of old European racingprograms witch sold very well. The weather was good, met many old and new friends and got a bottle of Spitfire for free at my first buy !! ( Thank Tracy again Tony :-) ) We were on our way in 20 minutes after the jumble closed and did catch the ferry of 10 PM insted of 12 PM what made it a quick homerum but still 12 hours on the way. The personal sad thing was that this year was the last year my parents were coming to the jumble after 39 years. Last year's workshopfire didn't improve dad's health But I'll be back at Y57 so see you next year !!