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Would like to know what you all think on this one out there?
As Spring beaulieu prices have rissen yet again to £78.00. I'm wondering if it's really worth taking austin 7 spares to this event.
(For ME) last year as a trader, I sold very well on signage, tins and automobilia. I also done well on vintage NON austin 7 spares.
But when it came down to the austin 7, I counted maybe 15 austin 7 owners? And must say austin 7 parts sales were poor, and what did sell was mainly secondhand parts.
If I don't take the 8 trays of austin 7 spares I usually take, I can just book one stall instead of two. And save myself £78.
What do you think? Are you bothered about seeing austin 7 parts at autojumbles. Or with NEW spares would people just leave it to pre-orders being collected at shows.
I got the beaulieu paperwork this morning, and will return it in a couple of weeks. So would love to here what you think before I make my decision.
Thanks Tony.
Joined: Aug 2017 Posts: 148 Threads: 6
I personally look for second hand stuff at Beaulieu ,new stuff I can get from you, Jamie or David by post and can order on line.
Joined: Aug 2017 Posts: 34 Threads: 4
Hi Tony, I have also got my paperwork through this morning, and working out the increase cost and also the price increase of the I.O.W. ferry it`s just uneconomical for the spring jumble, and have decided not to do it again Beaulieu will not take my money in May that's the first time in over 20 years
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Location: Pembrokeshire
I usually make a shopping list of new parts I need and buy them if they are there, ( it saves on postage ) but I am like most of us ALWAYS on the lookout for those second hand bits that might come in handy to use or keep as a spare and it is always better to see what you are buying when it comes to second hand bits.
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I'm another one Tony. Happy to order new when I need stuff and to browse secondhand bits when at shows. Half the fun of Beaulieu is stumbling over something that causes a spontaneous purchase. Appreciate that traders have to make profit and therefore real bargains are a bit more likely to be found among the trunk traders and 'amateurs'.
As an aside, I hope Beaulieu will stop the influx of what are clearly commercial operators from using the trunk trade pitches and keep it for private sellers.
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Tony I try to order the bits I need before we go but always forget something so have a list as well, but also end up buying something not on the list second hand. More second hand bits would be good but I suppose the difficulty/ pain for you is lugging all the stuff around and not selling it.
Joined: Aug 2017 Posts: 1,808 Threads: 99
Thank you all so far,
It's looking the way I thought it might be.there is very little or last minute interest only in new spares.
Just interest in the old stuff.
Jon M, I can understand your position and don't blame you for not attending anymore.
Last year spring beaulieu for some reason I got very cold during the day Friday, hit my bed in the van at 7pm and thought I was dying from cold all night. I guess we all get older and things have to change. So I have booked two nights this year at a less popular pub for £120. So I'll just book the one stall, the saving will go toward the cost of B&B. then there is no need to park my vehicle on the pitch. I'll take mainly secondhand and automobilia.
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I see its only a tenner for visitors online up until the end of today...
Who else from the Austin 7 'great and good' will be there this year as well as Tony and Jamie A7W?
and anyone planning on going? I'm presuming it is advisable to go on the first day just for more interesting stuff being on view...
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Don't panic Jon, admission on the day is only 70p more!
Yes I was thinking of going, no firm plan yet. A couple of bits I'm on the lookout for plus I get let off my leash during ramadan!
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Beaulieu is too far for me 400 plus miles round trip although I did it there and back in my Ruby once in the Seventies (2 drivers). As everyone has said autojumbles are great for secondhand stuff or pre ordered new stuff from you or fellow suppliers.