18-12-2023, 05:47 PM
Many years ago, more then I care to remember I ‘saved’ a ‘50s Austin Seven Special from ridicule, and made a reasonably passable Ulster Replica out of it. Though much enjoyed, and often admired, over its thirtyplus year life in my care, I always wanted ‘the real thing’ I.e. a genuine original tourer in some shape or other. I finally achieved this aim some ten years ago, and was finally content.
What you have found Prith, is, in the 2020s, a VERY rare opportunity to ‘save’ an original Seven from being destroyed by ‘Ulsterisation’.
Please don’t be tempted, there are plenty (too many?) Ulsteroids about if you want
one. Of course it is your car, your choice, but please think carefully about it.
I am sure you will have over-whelming support, and expert advice should you need it from the Seven community to stick to Plan A. Good luck whatever way you choose to go.
What you have found Prith, is, in the 2020s, a VERY rare opportunity to ‘save’ an original Seven from being destroyed by ‘Ulsterisation’.
Please don’t be tempted, there are plenty (too many?) Ulsteroids about if you want
one. Of course it is your car, your choice, but please think carefully about it.
I am sure you will have over-whelming support, and expert advice should you need it from the Seven community to stick to Plan A. Good luck whatever way you choose to go.
True satisfaction is the delayed fulfilment of ancient wish