20-10-2023, 09:05 AM
Thanks Denis - that is helpful. I am fortunate in that I have all the wood fillets in place and the one I was missing (the trasverse at the rear) I was able to make with the help of a pal with a table saw. I will bite the bullet and make a start. I had come to the same approach as you as to the way I should tackle the job and in what order. I am also using Woolies non-stretch vinyl that I am happy with. Though when I covered the roof frame, I did do that out in the garden in full sun when we had that warm weather recently just to give it a it of extra flexibility. I think that helped.
I do have the metal strip for the rear but, as I suggested, I may leave it off, opting for an adhesive. I have chatted to a pal who is an experienced (though amateur) vintage car trimmer - he suggests a thin layer of Tiger Seal. I can experiment with off cuts of the vinyl and rubber strip before commiting myself, For the runners, I have used some very dense felt. I'm not sure where it came from - I think it *maybe* a sanding pad used by musical instument makers to make sound boards, but am not sure. I was able to 'carve' feet using a razor blade and stuck them on with my trusty EvoStik having first primed the surfaces with a mix of the adhesive and matching cleaner/solvent as suggested by their tech department some years ago. The sliding system seems to work well and the felt is not going anywhere...
I do have the metal strip for the rear but, as I suggested, I may leave it off, opting for an adhesive. I have chatted to a pal who is an experienced (though amateur) vintage car trimmer - he suggests a thin layer of Tiger Seal. I can experiment with off cuts of the vinyl and rubber strip before commiting myself, For the runners, I have used some very dense felt. I'm not sure where it came from - I think it *maybe* a sanding pad used by musical instument makers to make sound boards, but am not sure. I was able to 'carve' feet using a razor blade and stuck them on with my trusty EvoStik having first primed the surfaces with a mix of the adhesive and matching cleaner/solvent as suggested by their tech department some years ago. The sliding system seems to work well and the felt is not going anywhere...