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Trialing season started - what you need to know trialing a seven
Matt - For the Austin Seven Production Car Trials you could use a road-going A7 without much temporary modification. Read below the entry form for the Moorhouse Trial this weekend. It tells you the requirements.

If you are within striking distance of Westerham, come along on Sunday and have a look. Everyone will be happy to explain things to you.

Pre-War Austin Seven Club – Tunbridge Wells Centre
Moorhouse Farm Austin Seven Trial – Sunday October 22nd 2023
Held under the General Regulations of Motorsport UK
Moorhouse Farm, Moorhouse Road, Westerham, Kent, TN16 2ES
Co-ordinates 51.15.41 N, 0.03.01 E
ENTRY FEE £35.00 (Late entry fee £40.00)
Name…………………………………………………… Address………………………………………………………………………………………
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Postcode…………………………………
Phone………………………………. Mobile………………………………… E-mail……………………………………………………………….
Being a fully paid up member of the PWA7C, membership no: ………………. Or invited Club…………………………..
Make……………………………….. Model…………………………………… Registration Number……………………………………….
Year…………………. Tyre size & type……………………………………………………………………. Class entered…………………..
Class 1: Austin Seven standard production cars
Class 2: Austin Seven modified open and closed cars
Class 3: Austin Seven modified sports, specials and others not in classes 1 and 2
I declare that:
1 I have been given an opportunity to read the General Regulations of Motorsport UK and, if any, the Supplementary Regulations for this event and agree to be
bound by them. I declare that I am physically and mentally fit to take part in the event and I am competent to do so. I acknowledge that I understand the nature
and type of the competition and the potential risk inherent with motor sport and agree to accept that risk. Further, I understand that all persons having any
connection with the promotion and/or organisation and/or conduct of the event are insured against loss or injury caused through their negligence.
2 The use of the vehicle hereby entered is covered by insurance as required by the law which is valid for such part of this event as shall take place on roads as
defined by the law.
3 If I am the parent/guardian/guarantor of the driver I understand that I shall have the right to be present during any procedure being carried out under the
Supplementary Regulations issued for this event and the General Regulations of Motorsport UK. Note: Where the parent/guardian/guarantor is not present
there must be a representative who must produce a written and signed authorisation to act from the parent/guardian/guarantor as appropriate.
Date …………………………………….
DRIVER………………………………………………………….. [ ] Signature……………………………………………………….
(If different from entrant) Age if under 18
PASSENGER……………………………………………………. [ ] Signature………………………………………………………..
(See para. 4 of these Supplemantary Regulations) Age if under 18
If driver or passenger is under 18 years old we require the counter-signature of your parent/guardian/guarantor:
Name…………………………………………………………….. Address……………………………………………………………………………….
…………………………………………… Postcode………………………………. Signature…………………………………………………………
Relative or friend to be contacted in case of a serious accident:
Name……………………………………………………………. Contact details…………………………………………………………………….
Please return the completed form with the entry fee (£35.00) payable to “The 750 Motor Club, Tunbridge
Wells” to Kevin Martin, The Rosses, Merle Common, Oxted, Surrey RH8 0RP or alternatively
BACS payment can be made to the account name above, number 43947858, sort code 20-88-13.
Reference, ‘Moorhouse Trial’. Scan completed form and e-mail to;
Pre-War Austin Seven Club – Tunbridge Wells Centre
EVENT Moorhouse Trial for Austin Sevens
STATUS Clubsport
VENUE Moorhouse Farm, Moorhouse Road, Westerham, Kent, TN16 2ES
DATE 22nd October 2023
1 The Pre-War Austin Seven Club (Tunbridge Wells Centre) will organise the ‘Moorhouse Farm Trial for Austin Sevens’, a
Clubsport permit event, at Moorhouse Farm, Moorhouse Road, Westerham, Kent, TN16 2ES on 22 October 2023. The
meeting will be held under the General Regulations of Motorsport UK (incorporating the provisions of the International
Code of the FIA); these Supplementary Regulations and any further instructions that the organising club may issue for
the event.
2 Motorsport UK Organising Permit number 133014 has been issued for the event.
3 The event is open only to fully elected members of the PWA7C, VSCC, MCC and all clubs affiliated to the A7CA.
4 All drivers and passengers must sign on (other than those under 18 – see below) and must (if 18 or above) produce a
valid RS Clubman’s Licence (available free of charge on the Motorsport UK website ) and a Club Membership Card.
5 Drivers aged 14 or over are eligible but if they do not hold a full RTA Licence they must be accompanied by a passenger
who holds a full RTA Licence and is an experienced trials driver who holds a valid Club membership card. Front
passengers under 16 (minimum age 12) need not be club members and will not be required to sign on but must
produce a letter of consent from a parent or guardian at signing on, and this letter will be retained. See para. 19(iv) for
rear seat passengers in saloons.
6 The event is a light-hearted competition suitable for standard vehicles and drivers with no previous trials experience as
well as those who bounce up and down and get covered in mud on a regular basis.
7 Programme:
Scrutineering starts at 9.30am
Any competitor not signed on and scrutineered by 10.30am may be excluded
First car starts at 10.45am
8 Any changes to the programme will be notified on the day. Cars will not be allowed to start unless they have a valid
scrutineering ticket.
9 There will be at least six sections on private land. Public roads will not be used to link sections.
10 The event will consist of three classes as follows;
Class 1 Austin Seven standard production cars.
Class 2 Austin Seven modified open and closed cars.
Class 3 Austin Seven modified sports, specials and others not in classes 1 and 2.
11 All cars must comply with the Motorsport UK Technical Regulations (as modified in para 19, below) and the scrutineer
will ensure the entered vehicle is in the correct class.
12 Competitors will be identified by starting numbers provided by the organisers and issued at signing on.
13 Awards will be presented as follows: 1st in class (subject to a minimum of 3 in class). 2nd in class (subject to a minimum
of 5 in class). 1st Overall. Novice award. Lady Driver award.
14 The maximum entry for the meeting, including reserves, is 50; the minimum is 12. The maximum for each class is 25,
the minimum is 3. Should any of the above minimum figures not be reached, the organisers have the right to either
cancel the meeting or amalgamate classes as necessary.
15 The entry list opens on publication of these regulations. Entries will be accepted up to 16th October 2023. The entry fee
is £35.00. No entries accepted after 20th October 2023. The late entry fee is £40.00. All entries must be made on the
official form and accompanied by the appropriate fee. Entries will be selected in order of receipt of the completed
entry form. Entry fees may be refunded up to 20th October 2023
16 The secretary of the meeting to whom all entries should be sent is:
Kevin Martin, The Rosses, Merle Common, Oxted, Surrey. RH8 0RP
Other officials are;
Club Steward TBA
Clerk of the course Kevin Martin
Chief scrutineer TBA
Provisional results will be published as soon as possible after the end of the event.
Any protest must be lodged in accordance with C(d) Paragraphs 46-50 of Motorsport UK General Regulations.
Marking and penalties will be as printed in Paragraph J37.
All other General Regulations of Motorsport UK apply as written except for the following which are modified:
i) All competing vehicles shall be Austin Seven powered and have a wheelbase of 6’ 3” or 6’ 9”.
ii) Vehicles in Class 1 shall be capable of being road registered and/or having an MOT.
iii) Tyres need to be in accordance with Motorsport UK clause 11.12.6 and furthermore well-base tyres must have a
tread pattern such that the blocks are not more than 10mm deep, nor more than 10mm apart laterally or
circumferentially. There must not be an uninterrupted lateral gap between side blocks. Special grip, knobbly or
hand-cut tread tyres are not allowed. Tyres with bolts or screws penetrating the side walls or beads are illegal and
will not be allowed, neither will operational security bolts.
iv) Tyre pressures not less than 7psi, or as specified by the organisers
Austin Seven production cars,
Cars will be deemed to be Austin Seven production cars for the purpose of this event if they comply with (i) and the
following conditions are met:
a) Cars must have bodies (or replicas thereof, but not GRP) by the Austin Motor Company 1922-1939 fitted as standard
equipment to Austin Seven cars, proprietary coach-built bodies of the era included.
b) Cars must be fitted with braking systems on all four wheels or two independent braking systems acting on front wheels
simultaneously, the other on rear wheels simultaneously.
c) Cars must be fitted with Austin Seven front axle and stub axles with unmodified lock stops.
d) Cars must be fitted with overall gear ratios to the original specification.
e) Cars must be fitted with Austin Seven inlet/exhaust manifolds.
f) Cars must be fitted with Austin Seven wheels to the original factory specification for that model.
All cars must be fitted with original Austin Seven wheels appropriate for the type and model of car entered. Any car not
complying with this regulation may be re-classified as a demonstration car.
Seating. For this event Paragraph T9.2 of Motorsport UK General Regulations ( two fixed seats for Driver and Passenger, the
rearmost part of which must not be behind the rear axle) will apply to all vehicles in Class iv). All cars running in Classes i) – iii)
must have two front seats AND a passenger 12 years of age or over in the front passenger seat. Children in the rear seats of
saloons must be 2 years or older, and all children under the age of 12 years or 135cm in height must be restrained in an
appropriate child restraint. (MSA Blue Book T4.1.6)
It is recommended that cars should be fitted with an extra throttle return spring, that the battery be secured and that a fire
extinguisher and a spill kit are carried.
Have any wet batteries in the driver/passenger compartment enclosed in a securely located leak-proof container.
a) All dogs must be on a lead at all times.
b) All entrants must remain in the stipulated area

Messages In This Thread
RE: Trialing season started - what you need to know trialing a seven - by Nick Salmon - 17-10-2023, 03:54 PM

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