05-10-2023, 09:44 AM
(04-10-2023, 12:22 PM)Dave Mann Wrote: I forgot the rabbits, the reward was a bowl of fish. I forgot we later had a male Burmese cat who was a real killer literally anything was fair game including squirrels who thought they were safe taking to the trees he was faster.
Squirrels…..My nemesis. This year they have routed up tulip bulbs, decapitated magnolias, dug holes all over the lawn but worse of all ….taken every single apple of our eating tree (they don’t seem to like cookers). I wish a cat was a simple answer but you need a special one to get a squirrel. I’ve resorted to a catapult which does little but scare them for an hour or two…and it nearly took my thumb off when I misfired it the other day. Grrrr