I have both a digital one and a very cheap analogue one with a needle, and neither of them seem to be any good!
I have ended up taking the dynamo off the car and put it on the bench as I wasn't having any luck.
With the terminals bridged and a a positive lead directly to the battery, and a negative to the body, it does motor.
It only seems to be turning at what I'd estimate to be a few hundred RPM. Is that about what you'd expect from a healthy dynamo or should it be turning with a fair bit of speed?
I have ended up taking the dynamo off the car and put it on the bench as I wasn't having any luck.
With the terminals bridged and a a positive lead directly to the battery, and a negative to the body, it does motor.
It only seems to be turning at what I'd estimate to be a few hundred RPM. Is that about what you'd expect from a healthy dynamo or should it be turning with a fair bit of speed?