20-04-2018, 08:08 AM
(18-04-2018, 07:25 AM)JonE Wrote: ah, Tony, that is very interesting. Have you or others got experience of what the feel of the earlier and later top are like in comparison? I believe the later one is a longer stick, but does it fulfil any great purpose or evolution?
I know it sounds a bit naff, but I quite the look of the earlier top...
My Austin Seven Standard Sports (Latrobe) with dropped steering wheel needs the long shaft of the ball change bent down to a good height so the knob falls nicely to hand and is easy to use- the standard gate change would be very difficult to reach with the low dashboard and seat set back and low on the floor.
There is a long lever gate change but I haven't seen one other than in pictures and it probably wouldn't be easy to bend down.