I jacked Alice up today to refill the diff with nice new 140 (Witham Oils) allowing the suspension to drop with the wheels just off the ground as recommended. Job Jobbed I hope.
I used a hydraulic jack in the centre with a 2 foot piece of 3 by 2 under the frame cross member to spread the load. It was like that a couple of ours. When I let it gently down the car settled as level as it has done for a while. Does this tell me anything useful about the need for new springs??
Can I ask a supplementary question.
I notice that on my car the offside rear spring has a grease nipple in the back edge, but the near side spring does not - not even a hole for one?? Can anyone advise.
I used a hydraulic jack in the centre with a 2 foot piece of 3 by 2 under the frame cross member to spread the load. It was like that a couple of ours. When I let it gently down the car settled as level as it has done for a while. Does this tell me anything useful about the need for new springs??
Can I ask a supplementary question.
I notice that on my car the offside rear spring has a grease nipple in the back edge, but the near side spring does not - not even a hole for one?? Can anyone advise.