02-01-2023, 09:38 PM
Well done Steve those are the pictures I posted ages ago, I thought I would have written a description with the pictures. Basically you calculate the total length of your stainless steel strip, form a 90 degree flange, place that in the jig with the flange facing down. Wrap the long end back around the brass pin, the pictures show the stages of forming. There is a separate part to the jig made from a couple of bit of small angle which acts as a clamp, it can just be seen on the vice jaw. Once you have the P shape formed you invert everything clamp the tag ends together and fold the loose end to match the first fold. Then close both over a suitable thickness former, on our jig the clamping piece also serves this purpose. I think Atho currently has the jig I will see if he can post any clearer pictures of it.
Black Art Enthusiast