09-04-2018, 01:05 PM
Tony - there is a single Amazon review which praises the Stringer book highly but not the production quality - have you seen it and do you agree? I must admit, seeing what you can buy it for, practically a tenner discounted - less that half of the Immortal - then what do we really expect?
I must admit, I'm not so worried about seeking the cheapest sites for books now. As authors make practically nothing anyway these days, its for all of us to make sure we order books from libraries or buy from anywhere just so they physically purchased and then get reprinted as a second edition! That authors' books will remain around long into the future, beyons all our lifespans, must be some compensation, I hope.
I must admit, I'm not so worried about seeking the cheapest sites for books now. As authors make practically nothing anyway these days, its for all of us to make sure we order books from libraries or buy from anywhere just so they physically purchased and then get reprinted as a second edition! That authors' books will remain around long into the future, beyons all our lifespans, must be some compensation, I hope.