19-12-2022, 11:01 AM
My son has a company that, among other clever things, creates 'digital events' for some very well known international companies. The technology and coding behind it all is extraordinary but they are now starting to use Artificial Intelligence for certain aspects of the work. In simple terms you ask the AI engine to create an image of something. It then looks at millions of images on the internet that relate to that something and, using machine-learning, (whatever that is!) begins to 'understand' what that something should look like. Whilst that learning is under way the initial results can be completely off the wall...
For fun I asked him to get the AI to create 'An Austin Seven on the Moon'. The result is below. Nothing like a Seven - but I reckon it would make a cracking Special.
For fun I asked him to get the AI to create 'An Austin Seven on the Moon'. The result is below. Nothing like a Seven - but I reckon it would make a cracking Special.