04-04-2018, 11:27 AM
Being a cold snowy morning here I decided it would be a good workshop day where it is nice and warm.
Based on Ian's message I had a very close look at the block and found a very feint stamping on the top face, it looks like, BA or perhaps 9A within an oval boundary. The valve numbers are also quite feint but obvious. Likewise faintly on the base there ar 2 feint stamping which look like a 1 within a diamond shaped boundary. I took it from this that the block was standard and had not been machined. I measured it with a 4-5" micrometer and the readings were between 4.807 - 4.809". From this I would reckon the standard size would be as previously suggested 4 13/16" or 4.812" with a + - tollerance. Thanks to all who contributed.
Based on Ian's message I had a very close look at the block and found a very feint stamping on the top face, it looks like, BA or perhaps 9A within an oval boundary. The valve numbers are also quite feint but obvious. Likewise faintly on the base there ar 2 feint stamping which look like a 1 within a diamond shaped boundary. I took it from this that the block was standard and had not been machined. I measured it with a 4-5" micrometer and the readings were between 4.807 - 4.809". From this I would reckon the standard size would be as previously suggested 4 13/16" or 4.812" with a + - tollerance. Thanks to all who contributed.