22-03-2018, 12:20 PM
I did some stats a year or so back just on the Nippies - the survival rates were (on end of 2014 survivor figures):
EB65 (115ish/340ish) 33.8%
Nippy (239ish/640ish) 37.3%
And of course, there are more emerging all the time or indeed, not wanting to be known of which I just keep as a personal list. But it's incredible that likely 50-55% might have survived after say 100 years.
EB65 (115ish/340ish) 33.8%
Nippy (239ish/640ish) 37.3%
And of course, there are more emerging all the time or indeed, not wanting to be known of which I just keep as a personal list. But it's incredible that likely 50-55% might have survived after say 100 years.