16-05-2022, 11:28 PM
I use a 3 point system where the rear 2" ratchets go over the axle tube right up against the spring perch, any closer to the banjo is likely to promote oil leaks or worse.
For the front I have a strong spreader bar attached to the F spring extremities via 2" straps and rings. The centre of the bar hooks to the winch and pulls up against chocs.
The recent trip to Warnambool towing the 7 was 5000 k return and over some shocking roads so bad they shook the trailer wheel grease caps off, but the cargo remained steady.
As others have said it is important to check the load fastening. I had issues with the slippery DYNEMA rope tightening on its winch spool over time, quick adjust and go.
That is an enclosed trailer so in the event of a winch failure the Austin would not launch into the traffic (wince).
For the other open trailer I add 2 extra ratchets at the front .
For the front I have a strong spreader bar attached to the F spring extremities via 2" straps and rings. The centre of the bar hooks to the winch and pulls up against chocs.
The recent trip to Warnambool towing the 7 was 5000 k return and over some shocking roads so bad they shook the trailer wheel grease caps off, but the cargo remained steady.
As others have said it is important to check the load fastening. I had issues with the slippery DYNEMA rope tightening on its winch spool over time, quick adjust and go.
That is an enclosed trailer so in the event of a winch failure the Austin would not launch into the traffic (wince).
For the other open trailer I add 2 extra ratchets at the front .