29-04-2022, 09:02 PM
The wood in the photo is Eastern European ash but I'm currently using local wood, both have the same evidence of beasties.
Interesting about the difference in early versus late cars, I can't say I have noticed it but you could well be right. I wonder what insecticides were in use at the time. Like you I always use (or recommend) a treatment /preservative.
When we moved to our current house I dare not put the Austin in the garage... the previous owner had put up pine shelves which were so badly infested that I removed every bit of wood with a broom, leaving just the screws sticking out of the wall! Much cleaning took place before treating the roof timbers. No recurrence in the replacement shelves or the Austins thankfully.
The wood in the photo is Eastern European ash but I'm currently using local wood, both have the same evidence of beasties.
Interesting about the difference in early versus late cars, I can't say I have noticed it but you could well be right. I wonder what insecticides were in use at the time. Like you I always use (or recommend) a treatment /preservative.
When we moved to our current house I dare not put the Austin in the garage... the previous owner had put up pine shelves which were so badly infested that I removed every bit of wood with a broom, leaving just the screws sticking out of the wall! Much cleaning took place before treating the roof timbers. No recurrence in the replacement shelves or the Austins thankfully.