I note Penrite Transoil 250 blurb suggests it's a 600W Steam Cylinder oil, which is a lot cheaper... any comments from old steamers?
C Bennis replied: "it is known for some to use steam oil as it is a non EP oil (compounded steam oil contains tallow this would act similar to an EP additive). The closest you would get in steam oil to an SAE 250 is the 220 steam oil; the 460 is slightly thicker"
Elsewhere the tallow or rapeseed additive is said to make it similar to a gearoil. Does tallow addition make it bad for steering box internals?
C Bennis replied: "it is known for some to use steam oil as it is a non EP oil (compounded steam oil contains tallow this would act similar to an EP additive). The closest you would get in steam oil to an SAE 250 is the 220 steam oil; the 460 is slightly thicker"
Elsewhere the tallow or rapeseed additive is said to make it similar to a gearoil. Does tallow addition make it bad for steering box internals?