13-03-2022, 09:09 AM
Hugh is right, and Andrew's "produced" is more like 'assembled' with a sprauncey interior and a few bonnet scoops. It is a Toyota underneath but with the larger but still standard 1.3, I think. The smaller 1.0 engine I'll think of as a starter car for eldest learning to drive as it still comes in 'manual'! Although I notice that people who have used it often quickly transfer to Aygos and C1s, presumably because teenagers friends don't really fit in the back once the L plates have been lost.
The used stock defies standard reality, but I imagine they are excellent for Aston people with now-bad backs selling £1m Astons which are too low for continued use?
The used stock defies standard reality, but I imagine they are excellent for Aston people with now-bad backs selling £1m Astons which are too low for continued use?