(02-02-2022, 11:28 PM)Chris.Dallas Wrote: If you are competing in a night rally having an alternator would most likely give you an unfair advantage as well as not being period.
So does that "unfair" opinion extend to anyone with a modern solid state regulator, or a Lucas C 40 dynamo running off a belt from the prop, or 12 volts, or a VW Beetle dynamo built into Austin 7 end plates? Or maybe, on a bigger car than an A7 with an extra pair of Cibie Oscar driving lights. All "unfair advantages" that have been accepted for decades.
To be honest I'd rather more people entered night rallies with safer, better lit cars and with ones that don't risk other road users muttering "that old car shouldn't be out at this time of night".
As Alan pointed out, it's not compulsory and neither will any be visible, so cars won't suffer the carbuncle sight of a Kubota alternator clamped on the head (as I'm sure we've all seen).