04-01-2022, 03:02 AM
As I was responsible for setting the run up - with tremendous help from the Scottish Club and others - I'd only snatched about 3 hours sleep at Land's End before seeing various people off (the RAC were supposed to assist, but never turned up). Still, one was young and fit and so, when a big end went on the Type 65's engine on the M6 near Stafford, it was only a case of getting the car back home to fix it, giving up never entered my head. Amazingly, a chap stopped and offered to tow me back, an offer that was gratefully received. Once back, now rather late in the evening, I took the engine out of the Chummy and put it into the 65 overnight. As David said, this was something of a lash-up, but it did work and, when fitted with the 65's induction system, ran astonishingly well. Suitably refreshed, I set off again back to the point where I'd broken down and continued the journey. On the way back, the fabric universal joint - that had been running well out of line - broke up somewhere in Scotland. My wife, in another car, was instructed to keep driving south and stop at every garage to see if they had a spare. The first one she came to had one hanging on a nail....