05-10-2021, 10:31 AM
we can go on about this and point out that you cannot take your dog to a premier inn or to change a library book,until the cows come home, of course you can"t, but the fact is there are people out here who"s animals cannot be put into kennels because of the stress it causes them, just one day there freaks them out.I had planed to use my camper van and stay for the whole event So the fact remains that many animal owners will not be able to attend simply because they care to much for their pet. For fifty years I have attended Austin Seven rally"s and other vintage car gatherings with no ban on pets at any of them, and I am more than capable of seeing that no matter what I say or do will not change a single thing, but if anyone thinks that this will not "set a president " for future events then think again my friend "think again", enjoy the celebrations I will read about it in the club magazine Rob.