26-08-2021, 12:03 AM
(23-08-2021, 08:34 PM)Bob Culver Wrote: 6v Beetle dyns have been adapted. Rotation is reversed so the brush location is not ideal but that trifle seems not to trouble users.
(25-08-2021, 10:46 PM)Geoff Halstead Wrote: Bob,
Wasn’t there some info that the beetle gen doesn’t produce the necessary at low rpm?
I think that what Bob was referring to was that most people kept the Lucas brush orientation when they fitted the VW internals. The Lucas brushes point at the commutator centreline. the Bosch brushes on the one I converted are arranged to point past the centreline as in this diagram.
This "past the centreline" orientation needs to be maintained when the rotation is reversed, otherwise (from my experience) the charging performance wasn't good.