05-05-2021, 11:29 PM
Today I had a small window of opportunity to get greasy whilst the others watched the Sewing Bakeoff. I decided to take a quick look at the radiator tap on the ORT whilst it is sitting on the garage floor. As l had dismantled and cleaned it a year or five ago I was annoyed that it had always dripped a little. Having a spare radiator in perilous condition, I took the tap, eased it apart, cleaned it, made a new spring and found some nice brass washers. As I unscrewed the drippy old tap I dislodged a smearĀ of epoxy putty from the edge of the tank, with tell-tale crystals on the edges... what joy. The drip was from a crack in the base of the radiator all along... so that's a half hour wasted that I won't be getting back, and another job to add to the list before the wedding in June...