05-05-2021, 07:03 AM
Thanks Simon,
Richard McWhannell's CCM Dieppe sports body also pictured in the article was another of Joss's creations together with the backstory about it. The story of any car was very important to Joss, he felt that if you couldn't tell a story about about the period and why it was created then the finished article would not stand scrutiny as a vintage car. To simply build something because you can and not have reasons for the shapes, forms and specifications would never do in Joss eyes. He also was a master at simplification of design and understanding how that was driven by the price point that a car would be built to, for example you would not build a Rolls Royce or Lagonda spec body on an Austin 7 chassis.....unless of course you were an eccentric or wanted to go bankrupt in short order.
Richard McWhannell's CCM Dieppe sports body also pictured in the article was another of Joss's creations together with the backstory about it. The story of any car was very important to Joss, he felt that if you couldn't tell a story about about the period and why it was created then the finished article would not stand scrutiny as a vintage car. To simply build something because you can and not have reasons for the shapes, forms and specifications would never do in Joss eyes. He also was a master at simplification of design and understanding how that was driven by the price point that a car would be built to, for example you would not build a Rolls Royce or Lagonda spec body on an Austin 7 chassis.....unless of course you were an eccentric or wanted to go bankrupt in short order.
Black Art Enthusiast