28-04-2021, 09:41 PM
Are you sure that the caps are matched with the rods to which they were originally fitted? I have hand scraped 10 thou undersized big ends to fit a new shaft; it takes time but it's cheaper and quicker than sending them for remetalling. Old rods often have hacksaw marks to identify 1,2,3&4. In such cases I reject them. If you plan to use full revs as I do they are not safe from breakage. When scraping to fit I tighten the rod dry onto the shaft to the point where it will just turn; after one turn the white metal is marked at the tightest points where a small amount of white metal needs scraping off. Repeat until it feels just slightly tight to turn when the bolts are fully tightened. At that stage loosen a bit and apply oil to the bearing before retightening. If you have things right the rod will just fall slowly under its own weight from horizontal; if not a little more scraping is needed until the gravity test works. If any of your rods will not tighten to turn without wobble they need remetalling.