21-04-2021, 02:51 PM
I have just had a quote for making good the rear tank on my tourer.
This is to cut holes in it, clean it out, seal the inside surfaces, make good, and paint the outside.
£ 295 plus VAT.
I cannot decide - the choice is a new one, this process, or do - it - yourself sealing.
I know the sealing can go wrong, and if it does, writes off the tank and maybe other bits as well.
But I cannot do more than a few miles without stopping. Draining the tank every time I use the car doesn't stop the rusty bits accumulating.
The "spare" tank, I find, has quite a lot of Plastic Padding, and leaks, anyway.
So: probably going to stump up the cash. At least I know that if I stop, it won't be the tank that's the problem.
This is to cut holes in it, clean it out, seal the inside surfaces, make good, and paint the outside.
£ 295 plus VAT.
I cannot decide - the choice is a new one, this process, or do - it - yourself sealing.
I know the sealing can go wrong, and if it does, writes off the tank and maybe other bits as well.
But I cannot do more than a few miles without stopping. Draining the tank every time I use the car doesn't stop the rusty bits accumulating.
The "spare" tank, I find, has quite a lot of Plastic Padding, and leaks, anyway.
So: probably going to stump up the cash. At least I know that if I stop, it won't be the tank that's the problem.